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gFormmail (forms operation)

To use the gFormMail® you must have the account with defined at least one alias in the network.

The gFormMail program transfers and verifies the data validity entered in the form on the website. The gFormMail operation consists in adequate filling in the fields defined in the form on the website.

The most important fields, without which the program will not run are:

  • odbiorca - contains the e-mail address of the person to whom the information is sent. The address must be one of the aliases defined through the Account Management System operating on the network server.
  • tytul - defines the subject of sent e-mail
  • wymagane - is a space delimited field list, filling of which will be forced by the program before sending the message. These fields must be defined in the form, the program just checks their filling.

Besides the following fields can be filled in:

  • niewymagane - contains fields, filling of which is not the condition of proper form processing. Only the contents of fields that are defined in required and not required will be sent to the recipient. The fields should not be repeated.
  • redirect_all_ok - this field contains the url to which the user will be redirected if the form processing will progress with no errors
  • redirect_err_brak_pol - redirection, if any field defined in 'required' is missing
  • redirect_err_zly_format - at least one field has incorrect format (see formats)
  • redirect_err_fat - internal error occurred. Most often it is caused by incorrect form preparation. Missing field of type: required or recipient will generate an error of 'fat' type.

The fields defined in 'required' and 'not required' can be enriched by expected format. If e.g. the field named 'field1' must have the e-mail address format it is necessary in 'required' (or 'not required' - dependant on the field character) to write field1:mail.

Other supported formats are:

  • nip, pesel, regon - for these formats control code is checked
  • postcode, cyfry - postal code and a field containing digits (allows spaces and dashes)

gFormMail accepts data both the POST method and GET method.
gFormMail can be found at the address

Sample use:

<form action="" method="post">
<!-- konfiguracja gformmail'a //-->
<input type="hidden" name="odbiorca" value="[email protected]" />
<input type="hidden" name="wymagane" value="imie_i_nazwisko adres email:mail kod_pocztowy:postcode pesel:pesel" />
<input type="hidden" name="niewymagane" value="nip:nip regon:regon email_sluzbowy:mail" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_all_ok" value="" />
<!-- koniec konfiguracji //-->
Imię i nazwisko*: <input name="imie_i_nazwisko" value="" />
Adres zamieszkania*: <input name="adres" value="" />
Adres email*: <input name="email" value="" />
Kod pocztowy*: <input name="kod_pocztowy" value="" />
Numer PESEL*: <input name="pesel" value="" />
Numer NIP: <input name="nip" value="" />
Numer regon: <input name="regon" value="" />
E-mail służbowy: <input name="email_sluzbowy" value="" />
* - pola są wymagane<br />
<input type="submit" value="wyślij" /> <input type="reset" value="wyczyść" />